Do you know who Babe Ruth is? He was a pitcher for the Red Sox and Yankees and he led the American League in strikeouts for 1918, 1923, 1924, 1927, and 1928.
Oh, and he is also ranked number 3 on the all-time home run list with 714 homers. Actually, despite striking out so many times history insists on celebrating how many homers he hit. Many trivia buffs seem to totally gloss over how many times he failed to hit the ball.
You could say that the reason the Great Bambino hit so many homers is that he swung at the ball so many times. The lesson we can learn from the Babe, in any sport, is to keep trying. Not a half-hearted try, not a kinda-sorta-but-we're-gonna-lose-anyway try, but a real honest try. Swing for the bleachers. Aim at the top right corner of that goal, where the keeper will never get it, and crush it. Block out every doubt in your mind and focus all your power on that ball.
Sure, it might sail over the goal and miss by a mile. Who cares? If it goes in one time, nobody will. Who knows, maybe you'll get some kind of cool nickname like the Great Davino or someday some U13 girls soccer team might be practicing the Gourlay move.
—Coach David
1 comment:
That's a really good point. It doesn't matter how many times you mess up, it's how many times you succeed that counts. And the more you try, the more chances you get to succeed.
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